My name is Isabella Mancini (she/her) and I'm a current Senior at the University of Colorado Boulder. I'm pursuing a B.S. in Creative Technology and Design in the School of Engineering with an art minor. My major is an interdisipinary between Computer Science and Design which has allowed me to learn the most used coding languages and how to balance all elements of Design. To see my work check out the projects section. To see my code for this website and other projects, check out my github here.
Web 2200 Learning Assistant
During my senior year I was an LA for Web 22000 which is an introduction to UX design and front end coding. In this class I taught students how to wireframe, code in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and use API's and JSON's to display and manipulate data. This job experience reinforced my own knoweldge of front-end coding as well as showed me how to explain debugging and technical jargon in several ways in order to ensure each student walked out of my recitation feeling confident in their coding abilities.
During my 2024 summer internship with Spectrum I interned as a Product Management Intern on the Mobile Product Team. This internship gave me insight in what it's like to work in a fourtune 500 company and what goes into creating a customer facing self service platform with 32 million users. I engaged in several projects by creating Business Requirements documents for tracking and to highlight the importance and outcomes of the projects as well as the project tickets in Jira and their associated user stories, Epics, and Lucid charts. In my lucid charts I summarized the problem, ways to solve it and made low fidelity mockup to quickly familiarize the people with the project and for documentation during the design kickoffs I ran. I was also able to do backwards sprint planning and was invested in decision making for what tickets to include or holdoff for future sprints.
For the summer of 2023 I interned at Covestro as a Technology and Digitializtion intern in their HR department. In this role, I created back to front end code (Python) and used Microsoft the Power Apps tool to push out 8 apps throughout the summer. The apps where requested by HR staff to stream line processes and were in a variety of areas from compensation to employee relations. Each of these apps included automated workflows (PowerAuntomate) and created data achetecture repositories (PostgresSQL/ Sharepoint) to support applications. To create these apps I used the iterative design process by meeting with stakeholders to collect requirements, crafting wireframes (Figma), and supporting senior teammates in implementatiion, testing, and deployment.
Outside of my academics I like to hike, run, play guitar, read, and do anything artistic. I am currently training for a 10k and one of my biggest acomplishments is that I ran a half maraton in high school. Being outside in general just brings me peace and I love being active. I also draw alot (as you can see from my portfolio). Mostly mixed media and I really love exploring new mediums and learning to things. In the picture to the left is one drawing I'm most proud of which is a 6 foot drawing of a shoe made with charcoal!